Venturing Leadership Award Nomination

Venturing Leadership Award

Nomination Form

Sam Houston Area Council

The Venturing Leadership Award (VLA) is presented to Venturers who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Venturing Code. The awards are presented at the Venturing Banquet. 

Requirements: Venturing Leadership Award candidates must be registered and involved in Venturing as a Venturer for at least one year. They must hold a leadership position or office on the unit, district, or council level. The candidate must show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Venturing and to Venturers.

Learn more at shac.org/venturing-banquet.

*Nominee First name
*Nominee Last name
*Crew number
*Tenure: # years as a Venturer
*Current Venturing position of responsibility and length of time in position
*Previous Venturing leadership positions held and length of time
(include crew, VOA)
*List other involvement in Venturing
*List all Scouting-related awards and recognitions (e.g., Venturing, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts)
*List involvement with other organizations, such as place of worship, clubs, etc.
*Why should this nominee receive the Venturing Leadership Award.
If you have letters of recommendation from the candidate’s school (teachers, administrators), place of worship, clubs, etc., include quotes from the letters
(or email them to the Venturing Staff Advisor found at shac.org/venturing-contacts)
Additional information

Nominator Information

*Scouting position