Ordeal Candidates
In order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge, Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their unit must complete an Ordeal within their eligibility period. Candidates elected prior to January 1, 2023, have 24 months to complete their Ordeal under the temporary COVID-19 membership eligibility policy. Candidates elected as of January 1, 2023, have 18 months from the date of election to complete their Ordeal. If a candidate does not complete their Ordeal within their eligibility period, then the candidate has to be re-elected by their unit. You do not have to participate in a call-out ceremony before going through your Ordeal. You must complete the Ordeal to become an official member of the Order of the Arrow. A candidate can only complete their Ordeal in Colonneh Lodge.
Lodgemaster: About a week before the Ordeal, information will be sent to the email provided in the election results (from the unit election) through Lodgemaster, the lodge membership management system (not to the email entered into this registration).
Pre-Ordeal Virtual Orientation: All candidates must attend a virtual orientation. Dates and links will be in the calendar in the Lodgemaster member portal.
FAQs: For more information, frequently asked questions and what to bring, visit oa.shac.org/ordeals.
Contacts: For questions, contact ordeals@colonneh.org.