The last date for registration has passed.

Mustang District Cuboree
Cuboree is an event for Cub Scouts (kindergarten - 5th grade) and their families. Scouts will work on advancements and have fun!
$10.00 per Lion (Kindergarten)
$10.00 per Tiger (1st grade)
$10.00 per Wolf (2nd Grade)
$10.00 per Bear (3rd Grade)
$10.00 per Webelos Scout (4th grade)
$10.00 per Arrow of Light Scout (5th grade)
Late fee
After 10/25/2024 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Lion (Kindergarten) Registrants.
After 10/25/2024 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Tiger (1st grade) Registrants.
After 10/25/2024 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Wolf (2nd Grade) Registrants.
After 10/25/2024 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Bear (3rd Grade) Registrants.
After 10/25/2024 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Webelos Scout (4th grade) Registrants.
After 10/25/2024 a fee of $5.00 will apply to all Arrow of Light Scout (5th grade) Registrants.
Cancellation Policy