Adventure Camp
Adventure Camp is a weekend campout at Bovay Scout Ranch. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy various activities at several program areas.
Payments: An initial non-refundable deposit is due upon registering. Final payment, numbers, Scout ranks and accommodations (e.g., dietary) are due 30 days prior to camp. There is no charge for siblings 4 and under.
Leadership requirements: All adults must be registered leaders or the parent or legal guardian of a Cub Scout. (Source)
Supervision: Trained staff will provide program supplies and show the leaders and parents how to run various activities. In order to keep the costs of camp as low as possible, the leaders and parents are needed to help the staff run activities as the rotations.
Webpage: Read the Adventure Camp webpage to learn more about camp.
Questions: For all questions not addressed on the webpage, use our support desk.