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Winter Camp Merit Badge Update

It's time to inspire Scouts, and help them build their skills, grow in knowledge and become better leaders. The winter camp leadership is working hard on developing an amazing program.

"Building Towards Their Future"

The merit badge portal located in the online registration system (Doubleknot) will go live on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at ~8:00 am.

To help units gather class preferences from the Scouts, we have made a fillable Merit Badge Selection Form that units can use the so Scouts can list their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice of classes for each period. Before printing or emailing, add the due date and who the form needs to be returned to at the top of the page.

Merit Badge Selection Form

How to Add Merit Badge Classes

To add merit badge classes, go to You must use the same login as you used to register for camp. Many people have more than one account in Doubleknot, so if you do not see winter camp, it's likely you registered using a different User ID. For more information about how to add merit badge classes, visit The unit leader who registered the unit has access to add the merit badge classes. In most cases, if you listed a second adult in the registration form, we have added them to have access as well. We can add an additional adult to have access if you request it early enough (please don't wait until Fr night or Sat morning).

You can add the names of Scouts and adults now into Doubleknot. You will need BSA ID numbers for the youth. Make sure the first and last name of the Scouts match exactly what is listed in Scoutbook. The BSA ID must also be accurate.

For Doubleknot support or to request additional access for adults, go to

Career Fair

On December 28th, we are hosting a Career Fair. Scouts will have the opportunity to meet with professionals (e.g., first responders) to ask questions and get more information about the showcased careers! Older Scouts will also have the opportunity to get their resumé reviewed and have a “mock interview” to improve their skills. 

Adults are needed to help with this event. If you (or a Scouter you know) have a career that you would like to showcase or to volunteer to review resumes or conduct mock interviews during the fair. Feel free to bring, fliers, brochures or props to showcase your career!

Volunteer for the Career Fair
Winter Camp - Week in Review

Friendly Reminders

Staff: All troops need have at least one person on our staff for every six Scouts registered.
Background Checks: Every adult who will be at camp needs to complete an background check (Adult in Camp Compliance form).
Informational Meeting: Mark your calendar. An informational meeting will be held on December 6th at 6:00 pm at the Cockrell Scout Center.
Staff Meeting: A staff meeting is being held December 13th at Camp Strake.  All camp staff (including those from your troop) are needed to help set up camp.
Work Day: A work weekend is being held December 16th at Camp Strake.  All camp staff (including those from your troop) and anyone willing to help are needed to help set up camp.

Medical Foms: Make sure all participants are completing the medical forms and that their physicals have been completed in the past year.

Dietary Accomodations: Ensure dietary accomodations are put in the online registration.
Camp Programs: Registration is open for STEM Camp, Summer Camp, our new space Camp Odyssey, and Full Throttle, so don't forget to sign up your Scouts for more fun and adventure.

As always, the latest information will be posted at

Partials and Completions

Attending a merit badge class does not guarantee that a Scout will complete the merit badge, but it is an opportunity for Scouts to meet with qualified counselors, to help them work on the requirements needed to complete a merit badge.

Prerequisites: For all classes, the Scout must read the merit badge book prior to the event. Some merit badges have additional prerequisites.

Requirements not covered: Some of the requirements cannot be completed during the class. The Scout should bring documentation of requirements not covered. If the Scout does not complete the requirements not covered and take documentation to the class, the Scout will receive a partial completion of the merit badge. Scouts who do not complete all the requirements for a particular merit badge will need to complete the badge with a registered merit badge counselor approved for that particular badge back with their unit; therefore, it is highly recommended that Scouts complete the requirements not covered before winter camp and take documentation to the show the merit badge counselor.

Final merit badges offered will be dependent on the merit badge counselors that volunteer. They merit badge counselors might tweak the prerequisites and requirements not covered, so ensure Scouts check the website in December for any final changes.

Merit Badge Prerequisites


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Questions and Support

Winter Camp Director

Ryan McMillan

Outdoor Program Director

Ted Hunn